The methods of indoctrination have never changed. The number one tool of those who want to control you is to put you in fear. This is what the Kamala campaign Is doing.
Since the dawn of time, humanity has been indoctrinated and you’d think we would have evolved past what we were as many centuries ago but we have not. We are still triggered by emotions that are useful to keep us from being killed or seriously injured. Very few of us want to think that we are indoctrinated, easily duped, and fooled by others, especially those who are “in authority”. As I have stated in earlier articles, this is the reason so many people have titles. They use those titles to claim an air of superiority and knowledge that allows them to be believed. When they are believed, they can then control those around them and gain power, accolades, and financial rewards. Why is it that a Senator, Congressperson, judge, some anchor on television, or anyone else with a title is superior to you as an individual? The truth is, they are not.
Naturally, this brings us to Kamala Harris. Whenever anyone questions her mental acuity they are angrily shouted down by her supporters who say that she had the titles of (fill-in-the-blanks) in the past and therefore she must be intelligent. They do not say how she got those titles and I won’t go into that back story in the interest of saving time. Suffice it to say that the tactic is the same tactic employed for thousands of years now by tribal leaders to demand respect for their chosen leaders. That “leader” could be evil, dumb, crazy, or all of the above, and we humans are ordered to show him or her respect and deference.
When someone says she is as dumb as a rock, especially if you are a white person, the members of her tribe will castigate them and insist that she had all these titles in the past and YOU don’t so be quiet. Be wary of this control method and don’t let others get away with it. This website is not only for political discourse but intended to show how you can be easily indoctrinated by others around you who use the same time-tested tactics to control those around you. If someone wants to control you in a relationship, the same tactic of putting you in fear. The number one thing people fear is death of course but closely following that is the fear of loss. It could be loss of money, health, someone you love, or any number of things.
For months now, Kamala Harris and her supporters have intentionally and knowingly lied about Donald Trump being behind Proposition 2025. Even though he was not and has denounced it 2025 times, her campaign and the propaganda press still try to tie him into it. Why? It’s because Proposition 2025 is an extremist document that among other things would deny any abortion. That puts women in fear along with men who would have to pay for a child they created. It doesn’t matter that Trump had nothing to do with it. All that matters is that you believe he did because then your fear emotion is triggered and you may vote for their tribal leader Kamala.
Just yesterday this master of indoctrination Kamal Harris came out with a new fear factor. It is that Donald Trump will round up all immigrants and put them in jail. Naturally, no one wants innocent people put in jail but to induce fear, all they need you to do is to believe what they are saying. It is, as usual, another lie by Kamala Harris. Donald Trump said he would use the law to go after gang members who are terrorizing various cities across America. He will not round up innocent immigrants who have been here for years.
We are tribal beings. It is difficult and often impossible for many of us to question our tribe. To do so brings us derision and scorn along with potential banishment by members of our own family if we don’t agree and go along with their beliefs. This was necessary for survival as too many defections would weaken the tribe and eventually make it go extinct. I happen to be a staunch conservative because I believe the capitalist system is best for humanity. For some odd reason, most conservatives are Christian or Catholic. I am not but because I am a conservative I am expected to be a believer. If you are in that tribe of conservatives it is automatically expected that you would or should also be a Christian. This confirms that humans have not and perhaps never will get over their tribalism. This is why those on each side will dismiss the lies and fear tactics of their side because those tactics keep their tribe intact and they can keep taking the blue pills of comfort that their beliefs will no longer be challenged because one of theirs is the tribal leader.
A black rapper came out of the closet and said that Kamala was not fit to run a Dunkin Donuts franchise. He is right. For him to do this shows an act of courage and breaking away from his tribe. I don’t know him but I suspect he has reached a level where he can do that and not be scorned and ridiculed for not being a believer. Perhaps if he was less well known and established he would be afraid to have come out and told the truth which is that he refuses to go along with his people (the black community). I see what he did as a life lesson for all of us. We need the courage to NOT believe what we are told we should believe, no matter who it may be that is trying to put us in fear so that we believe as they do.
Will America put a person who is not qualified to run a Dunkin Donuts franchise in power because that person is part of their tribe and she has told them that they must fear the other guy? Or will they see through her lies and deceit and re-elect someone who didn’t do any of the things they claim he will do when he was the president for four years? I happen to think that if that happens we are in for some very dark times of continued division and weakness on the world stage. Kamala Harris has not stated what she plans to do because she knows that when and if she does, it will mean sure defeat. She has kept away from any real interviews by members of the opposing tribe. Time will tell.
obviously like your website but you need to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I to find it very troublesome to inform the reality on the other hand Ill certainly come back again